Posts From November, 2010

Vermnt Ski / Snowboard Trip 

We will be staying in the Killington area on the Dec. 27th, 28th,29th. We will ski/snow board at Pico on Dec.28th and 29th, and at Okemo on Dec. 30th.The cost of lodging will be paid for by the troop.The cost of lift tickets will be approximately 35 dollars per day per person. We  need over 20 people to get the best possible group rate. We will buy food for 3 breakfasts and 2 dinners plus snacks at the ski club's lodge. Lunches will be at the ski mountains. The cost for lift tickets and food will be 150 dollars per person. If the cost is less, money will be refunded. We need to collect the money between now and Dec.9th. Pay by check or cash to the troop, or scout account.

You will need to bring additional  money for fast food on the trip there and back, and for lunches at the ski mountains.This is a great trip at a great price.There is room for 3 more scouts and 4 more adults.Sign up if you are interested.If you have changed your mind please take your name off the list and make room for others.If you need more details,see me at the meetings.

Posted by Monday, November 15, 2010 11:32 AM Categories: Family Events Ski Trips Winter Camping

Service Hours Opportunity at Heritage Park 

Saturday November 6th we will have an opportunity for additional service hours at the tree buffer at Heritage Park.

This is a short one between 1 and 3PM in the afternoon. Couple weeks ago several scouts signed up, please confirm that you are still attending so I know to wait for you. Other scouts that wish to participate can also reply to me. We’ll meet at the trail head near the parking lot. This is likely the last opportunity this year. Thanks to everyone that helped during the last tree buffer and Election Night opportunity.

Posted by Friday, November 5, 2010 11:27 AM Categories: Requirements Service Hours

CPR switch: Chest presses first, then give breaths 

The 2010 guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care have changed.

Posted by Tuesday, November 2, 2010 11:24 AM Categories: Training
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