Posts From November, 2011

Holiday Poinsettia Pre-order Pick-up on Tuesday December 6 

Tuesday, Dec. 6th from 5:00-6:30 PM is pick-up for the poinsettia orders already placed.

Mrs. Schaefer and Mrs. Jimenez will be at Conley School in the hallway by the cafeteria with the plants.  If we did not receive a check or cash for the order, one is needed at this time.

Please be on time.

Posted by Wednesday, November 30, 2011 10:37 AM Categories: Fundraisers

Troop Meeting Reminders for December 1 

Hope you all had a great holiday. Posting this since we had a holiday and no troop meeting last week.

  1. The troop meeting this week will be held at the Bethlehem Township Community Center due to a school conflict.
  2. The monthly PLC meeting is tonight (11/29). All patrols are expected to be represented so patrol leaders should make arrangements for coverage.
  3. There are two online signups (Vermont Ski Trip and Crossover Camping) that will close on December 1.
  4. Another online signup for the Winter Klondike at Yards Creek Scout Reservation in January is available.
  5. Scouts doing Robotics, Mrs. Bernick is planning a trip to Liberty Science Center on Saturday. Please see your email and RSVP if you have not already done so.
  6. For scouts doing Climbing Merit Badge that were unable to attend the troop outdoor climbing event can contact Mr. Rusnock to attend one of his future scheduled events to complete those requirements.
  7. For scouts planning their Eagle Scout Rank Advancement there are new procedures and workbook. These are available online in the troop website Documents area. See Mr. Smith if you have questions or need more information.
Posted by Tuesday, November 29, 2011 2:28 PM Categories: Eagle Project Klondike Planning PLC Troop Meeting Winter Camping

Winter Klondike Signup Available 

An online signup is available for the Winter Klondike at Yards Creek Scout Reservation in January 2012.

Posted by Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:56 AM Categories: Klondike Winter Camping

Troop Meeting on December 1 at Community Center 

The weekly troop meeting scheduled for Thursday December 1st will be held at the Bethlehem Township Community center due to a scheduling conflict with middle school activities.

Posted by Sunday, November 20, 2011 3:44 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Fred's Eagle Project on Sunday November 13 and Saturday November 19 

There will be a work day on Fred's eagle scout project on Sunday, November 13 as well as Saturday November 19th. Meet as usual in the parking lot at Heritage Park. The project will start at 10 AM on Sunday and go until we are finished spreading barkchips, so i need wheel barrows, rakes, and shovels. Water, granola bars, and apples will be provided. These Hours will count toward service hours for rank. I need a lot of Help so please come if you are available.

Posted by Friday, November 11, 2011 6:27 AM Categories: Eagle Project Service Hours

Holiday Poinsettia Sale 

Boy Scout Troop 191 is offering a special opportunity to buy beautiful poinsettia plants for the holiday season. What a convenient way to warm someone's heart and home for the holidays. Click this link for more information on the available selection and how to place an order.

All orders are due by November 22, 2011. Thank you for your support of Boy Scout Troop 191.

Posted by Tuesday, November 8, 2011 4:19 PM Categories: Fundraisers

Pack Trailer for Washington DC Trip on November 9 

Scouts going on the Washington DC Trip must be at the troop building to pack their gear and needed equipment for the Washington DC Trip. Scouts should pack everything except their FULL UNIFORM and RAIN GEAR. Also scouts that still need to make payment for the trip can do so at this time. Meet at the troop building between 7:00 PM and 8:30 PM.

Posted by Monday, November 7, 2011 5:53 PM Categories: Troop Meeting Winter Camping

No Weekly Troop Meeting on November 10 

Reminder there will not be a weekly troop meeting on Thursday November 10 due to the troop camping trip to Washington DC.

Posted by Monday, November 7, 2011 12:29 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Where is the Home Menu Item Tab? 

You may have noticed that the 'Home' tab is no longer in the site main navigation menu. It has been removed to make room for additional enhancements to the site supporting new functionality in the future.

The home tab is actually redundant since a Home control is present in the platform menu area at the very top of the site. The home (or Default) page can also be navigated to by clicking the "BSA Troop 191" text logo in the masthead graphic of the site. On supported mobile devices the home page may be accessed by clicking "BSA Troop 191".

Posted by Monday, November 7, 2011 10:10 AM Categories: Web Site

Washington DC Trip Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the Washington DC Camping Trip on Thursday November 10 through Sunday November 13 must have this permission form completed and signed by a parent or guardian. When completing the form parents must be sure to list a emergency contact number where they can be reached throughout the trip duration.

Posted by Monday, November 7, 2011 9:44 AM Categories: Permission Slips Winter Camping
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