Posts From March, 2011

Youth Protection Presentation on April 28 for Younger Scouts and Parents 

The Boys Scouts of America annually conducts a Youth Protection Presentation with scouts to provide them with vital information designed to help them keep themselves safe in various situations and forums. On April 28th a youth protection presentation and video entitled “A Time to Tell” will be presented to our younger scouts (generally 5th and 6th grade) and their parents.

The presentation will be made by Nora Klippstein during the regular troop meeting.

Nora will present content to the parents first followed by a presentation to the youth scouts. This arrangement allows parents to examine the content and provide feedback before presentation to their sons.

Please make a note of this on your calendar and make every effort to attend this presentation.

The presentation on April 28th is for younger scouts in the 5th and 6th grade.

Sessions for older scouts will be scheduled as soon as possible and communicated via email and the troop website.

Here is a link from the BSA regarding youth protection training available for adult leaders, parents and scouts:

Posted by Friday, March 25, 2011 11:16 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Troop 191 Food Drive April 2nd 

Troop 191 will be hosting a Food Drive on Saturday April 2 at the A&P on Route 31.  This will be just in time for the local Food Pantry to restock its shelves ahead of Easter.  Come help your neighbors and those in need! 

We will follow last year's successful format where we collected over 2,000 high-need items in a matter of 8 hours.

-  Scouts will man tables at both entrances of the store

-  We will hand out "shopping suggestions" to shoppers entering the store

-  We will collect donated items as shoppers exit,  and bring them over to the Food Pantry.

As with any event like this, I am asking for adult and Scout volunteers (for two hour shifts).  We will have four shifts - 9-11AM, 11AM - 1PM, 1PM - 3PM, 3PM - 5PM.  Each shift needs a minimum of four Scouts and two adults.  A sign-up will be circulated at this week's meeting, but if you can already commit now to any of the four shifts, please reply to Mr. Chris G. via e-mail. 

Thanks in advance for your consideration and participation.

Posted by Wednesday, March 23, 2011 5:10 PM Categories: Service Hours

BSA Swim Test for Scouts 

This is for any scout that is planning to attend the May 1st White Water Rafting Trip or the adults and scouts going on the Key West Trip.

All of the adults and scouts going on the Key West trip MUST take or re-take the BSA swim test.  It does not matter if you passed the swim test at summer camp last year, you must take it again.

Any Scout planning to attend the White Water rafting trip that has not passed or taken the BSA swim test at last year's summer camp, must pass this swim test to go on the trip. 

This test will be on Monday, April 4th at the RVCC pool.  Those that need to go will meet at the Hoppock School at 5:30 and the group will return 9-9:30 at the latest.  The cost is $5 per person taking the test and parents will need to help with the transportation of the scouts to and from RVCC.  A sign up sheet will be at this weeks and next weeks scout meetings, which will be held at the Community Center (aka old municipal building).  If you will not be at the meetings to sign up, please call Mr. Smith.

BSA Swim Test Requirements:   Jump feet first into water over your head in depth, swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy, resting backstroke.  The 100 yards must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn.  After completing the swim, rest by floating. 

It might we wise to take your scout for some swimming practice before this test so they are confident in passing it.

Posted by Tuesday, March 15, 2011 11:07 PM Categories: Requirements

Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge begins on Thursday March 31 

Scouts interested in completing the Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge should plan on attending the regular troop meeting on Thursday March 31 with Mr. Tiedeman. Any scouts taking this merit badge should come prepared with a completed merit badge card signed by Mr. Smith. The workbook will be posted on the troop website document library shortly and scouts are encouraged to obtain the merit badge book. The books are available from local scout shops or may be borrowed from other scouts that have completed this merit badge. Additional information and confirmation will be sent as we get closer to the start date.

Posted by Monday, March 14, 2011 11:06 PM Categories: Merit Badge Troop Meeting

2011 Fertilizer Fundraiser 

Yes, it is that time of year again... Spring is nearly on us!

One of our big fundraisers is the spring fertilizer sale.  Saturdays and Sundays
in March the scouts will be using their communication skills to help raise funds for
the troop and for their own scout accounts.

While individual sales will not count for any one scout, they will increase the total troop sales.  Remember that 50% of total proceeds will be divided and applied towards the participating scouts troop accounts.  To get credit for the sales, your scout must participate in one of the weekend sales drives. Any hours
they put in will be calculated based on the total troop sales.  This can be put towards camping fees, supplies or trips.  This can add up fast through the year in various fundraising events.  My son has been in the troop for 3 years and was more than able to cover 2011 summer camp fees through his participation in troop
fund-raising events.

We will be getting together weekends afternoons in March at 12:30 until about 4:00 pm in
the Hoppock School parking lot starting March 5 & 6.   **NOTE: In full uniform** A few clipboards and pens would be helpful.  Be prepared for any weather.

We will need parents/cars to help drive. (Parents helping out also can get $ credited to their sons account)

Parents, it is important that we spread the driving around this year and have many of you participate.  Please consider helping out when you can. 

Any available scout is encouraged to join us in this important fundraiser.  The boys have a good time, learn some
communication skills and meet their Bethlehem neighbors while helping out themselves and the troop.  Please listen for troop announcements at weekly
meetings for any changes.

Thanks for your help.
Steve S.

Posted by Wednesday, March 2, 2011 10:48 PM Categories: Fundraisers
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