Posts From May, 2011

New Signup for Climbing Merit Badge Available 

Mr. Barry Rusnock will be conducting the Climbing Merit Badge with Troop 191 scouts that will consist of instruction sessions that will be held during two or three troop meetings each for approximately one hour followed by a field overnight camping trip at Allamuchy State Park to complete climbing requirements. Scouts may signup using the form located on the Signups Page.

Posted by Monday, May 30, 2011 9:53 PM Categories: Merit Badge

Troop Meeting Announcements for May 26 

At this meeting there were 2 announcements pertaining to rank advancement events that you should attend if you haven’t already had these items signed off.  The first is for 2nd Class requirement 1a & b.  This 5 mile hike only happens twice a year, so all boys at the Scout and Tenderfoot Rank should try and attend the hike, which is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June 5th in the afternoon.

  1. 2nd Class requirements 1a & b:

a) Demonstrate how a compass works and how to orient a map. Explain what map symbols mean.

b) Using a compass and a map together, take a 5-mile hike (or 10 miles by bike) approved by your adult leader and your parent or guardian.

The other requirement is tentatively scheduled to occur at next weeks scout meeting.  It is 1st Class requirement 5.  Mr. Esposito will be speaking to the scouts for this requirement.  Again, this doesn’t happen that often, so please try and attend.

  1. Visit and discuss with a selected individual approved by your leader (elected official, judge, attorney, civil servant, principal, teacher) your constitutional rights and obligations as a U.S. citizen.

Mr. Barry Rusnock provided the scouts with a brief instruction to the Climbing Merit Badge. A signup is available on the troop website and resources are available in the Document Library.

Posted by Friday, May 27, 2011 8:50 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Boy Scout Camporee in Sea Girt draws 10,000 people 

Asbury Park Press Link

Slide # 12 of 16 shows the campsite.

Posted by Tuesday, May 24, 2011 1:39 PM Categories: Camporee

Summer Camp Prerequisite Checklist Available 

Mrs. Zalewski has created a checklist for scouts attending summer camp to track their Merit Badge Prerequisite requirements. The checklist is an Excel document available in the Document Library. Scouts should visit the Documents tab then click the Summer Camp Checklist link to download the document. Once you have the document open it using Excel and follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Merit Badge Checklist you are taking using the Tabs at the bottom.
  2. Print the checklist (be careful not to print the entire document; only print the checklists you need)
  3. Complete the prerequisites.
  4. Review the completed prerequisites and the checklist with a parent.
  5. The parent will sign off that all of the pre-requirements are complete for the merit badge.
  6. Scouts will bring the prerequisites and parent signed off checklist form to a scout meeting for a troop leader to look over and sign off.

Scouts or parents may contact Mrs. Zalewski or Mrs. Garvey with any questions or concerns.

Posted by Thursday, May 19, 2011 7:37 AM Categories: Merit Badge Summer Camp

Crime Prevention Requirement 7 on Tuesday May 17 

Mrs. Minchin is arranging a trip to the State Police Barracks in Perryville to allow scouts taking the crime prevention merit badge to complete requirement 7 by visiting a jail or detention center. If you are taking this merit badge and interested in going on this visit see your email and contact Mrs. Minchin so she can provide an accurate head count.

Posted by Monday, May 16, 2011 5:23 PM Categories: Camporee Merit Badge

Electricity Merit Badge begins May 19 

Mr. Loeffler will begin the Electricity Merit badge with scouts that have signed up during the troop meeting on May 19. Check the Program Page on the website for updates. If you have not signed up and wish to take this merit badge you are welcome to join us on May 19. There will be opportunity to make up work if you are unable to attend this troop meeting.

Posted by Monday, May 16, 2011 3:58 PM Categories: Merit Badge

Using a GPS for navigation to the Camporee? 

If you are using a GPS to navigate to the Camporee, the physical address is 500 Sea Girt Ave, Sea Girt, NJ 08750.

Posted by Saturday, May 14, 2011 11:22 AM Categories: Camporee

NJSP Top Physical Challenge at State Police Camporee 

AGES 14+ ONLY! The New Jersey State Police will be hosting a Top Physical Challenge event for Scouts in premier physical shape. This competition will be open to 20 Scouts from each subcamp, with sign-ups taking place at the Friday Leader’s Crackerbarrel in each subcamp. The handbook and hold-harmless agreement (permission slip) can be found online at . Winners will be recognized by the NJSP at the Saturday Evening show!

Posted by Saturday, May 14, 2011 11:12 AM Categories: Camporee

NJ State Troopers Eagle Scout Association T-Shirt Offer 

The NJSTESA will be offering a limited edition t-shirt for sale at the Trading Post starting on Friday evening at the BSA-NJ State Police Camporee. This amazing shirt design has been prepared to serve as a perfect Class B uniform shirt and raise funds that go directly back to supporting local Scouting. Quantities are EXTREMELY limited, so be sure to get yours early! Cost is $10.

Posted by Saturday, May 7, 2011 9:45 AM Categories: Camporee

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) 

The Central Jersey Counsel will conduct a National Youth Leadership Training program during the week of July 31, 2011.

Scouts interested in taking this training should be in a leadership position or soon will be; 13 years old as of January 1, 2011; and a First Class Scout. This is a link to the Registration Form. Complete the form and submit to Mr. Smith.

Posted by Saturday, May 7, 2011 7:59 AM Categories: NYLT
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