Posts From July, 2012

Gettysburg Camping Trip Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the weekend camping trip to Gettysburg must have this Permission Form completed and signed by a parent or guardian.

The cost for this trip is $75.00 and may be paid by scout account or check made payable to Troop 191.

Posted by Sunday, July 29, 2012 8:17 AM Categories: Gettysburg Trip Permission Slips

Medical Forms 

This is the final reminder for medical forms.

Mrs. Wilson will be available at the troop meeting on July 12 for any parent or committee member who still needs to turn in medical forms (in triplicate), along with immunization charts and copy of front and back of  insurance cards.

Please make sure forms are filled out completely and all necessary forms are turned in.

If your scout is not doing scuba or any High Adventure badge all that is needed is Part A, B and C.

Thank you and again if you have any questions or think you might be missing something please feel free to call or email Mrs. Wilson.

Also still missing a few insurance card copies from several people who turned physicals in.

Posted by Thursday, July 12, 2012 10:56 AM Categories: Summer Camp

Medication at Summer Camp 

For those of you that have a scout that is on medication and needs to take it at summer camp, the below was taken from the Ockanickon website.  Please make sure that your son’s meds are in the gallon size ziplock type of back, usually they need to be in their original containers or at least have the dosage instructions on it. Please label the bag on the outside, or I have put in a typed paper on the inside showing through, with their name, Troop 191, Campways (the campsite we are at). 

There is no need to send your scout with Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl or any of that type of OTC medicine, as it is available for them at the Health Lodge.

The medical check-in will again be at the campsite this year.  The boys will line up in last name alphabetical order and they need their meds for the check-in and that is when they are turned in.  I highly suggest not leaving camp until your child has cleared the medical check-in.  There have been times when parents have had to come back because they were missing a signature on a form.  Your scout will also have his temperature taken and if he has a fever will not be allowed to stay.  He can be brought back when his temperature returns to normal.

Note that for epi-pens and rescue inhalers and any other life threatening medications, the scout should keep one on his person and send one to the Health Lodge.

As for what happens during the week for our scouts that need to take meds, the troop leaders are provided a list of the scouts that need to go to the Health Lodge for meds and the time (morning, night, both or additional times) they need to go.  The scouts will be gathered in the morning, at night and if any other time is needed by one of the adults and they will go to the health lodge.


Medication Stored by Health Lodge

During check-in, Scouts with medication will have their medications placed into a gallon size plastic bag labeled with their name, troop number and campsite, all of which will be known upon arrival to the med recheck site. There are several stock medications in the Health Office so you do not have to pack basic medication (this does not include over the counter allergy medication). The nurse asks that if someone is on emergency inhalers or has an epi-pen that they provide one for the Health Office and keep one on their person and please let their unit leader know. Storing camper medication is a National Policy not a choice of Ockanickon and we are not permitted to allow campers to hold their medications except in the case of emergency medications like an epipen or fast-acting heart medication. Medications Storage-All medication must be checked in at the Health Lodge upon arrival at camp. Each person must check in his or her own medication which will be kept in the Health Lodge under lock and key. The Health Lodge has refrigerated storage facilities for medicines that must be kept cold. Medication TimesMorning medications will be given out from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and evening medications will be given out from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Campers who need medication at other times please review your medication schedule with the Health Officer on the first full day of your stay. Each Camper who checks their medication into the Health Lodge will have a medication number written on their bracelet. Campers can speed up receiving their medication by using this number. Troops will receive a list of what campers take medication when within a day of arrival. Having a leader check with their Scouts that they’ve taken their medication is strongly recommended. Returning Medications- All medications and the plastic bags will be returned to one adult leader from the Troop on Saturday morning from 7AM to 9AM. Exceptions are made for when the Scout leaves earlier in the week.

Posted by Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:04 PM Categories: Summer Camp

No Troop Meeting on Thursday July 5 

This is a reminder there will be NO Boy Scout Meeting on Thursday July 5th. Hope everyone enjoys the Holiday.

Posted by Monday, July 2, 2012 9:52 AM Categories: Troop Meeting
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