Posts From September, 2012

Botany - Plant Science Tour Will Proceed as Plan 

Regardless of the weather, the Botany - Plant Science Tour will proceed as plan.
Here is a detailed preview of what to expect.
We are expecting a relatively large gathering as there will be a few boy/girl scouts and cub scout groups in attendance.
Parking will initially be available in front of and behind the barn.  Overflow will be along Valley Station Road.
Then it's a 1/2 trek along the driveway to the home.
If you didn't sign up for this event and would like to attend, please feel welcome to participate.
Let's hope the weather holds up for this spectacular event!

Posted by Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:03 AM Categories: Day Trips Family Events

Seans Eagle Scout Project Cancelled for 9/22/2012 

Unfortunately we are going to have to cancel Sean’s Eagle Project.  He is sick and has to go to the doctor’s this morning and we don’t want to wait until the last minute.  The project can’t move forward without him.  Please keep an eye out for the reschedule date as we juggle our calendar.

If you see other scout families on the soccer fields or out and about, please let them know we had to cancel.

Posted by Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:15 AM Categories: Eagle Project

Appalachian Trail Experience Signup is Offline 

The online signup for the Appalachian Trail Experience Backpacking Trip is now offline.

Those that have signed up online have been transferred to a physical signup sheet at the weekly troop meeting

Posted by Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:00 PM Categories: Backpacking Web Site

Fall Camporee 10/19 -10/21 

Registration Time for the Fall Camporee is upon us. 
The scouts have been practicing their lashings for the Pioneering Fall Camporee at recent meetings.

We request that the $35 per scout (Registration fee & food for weekend) be brought to the meeting on 9/20 otherwise the fee goes up for late registration. We need to register next week.

PLEASE NOTE: The sign ups are NOT on line - there has been a sign up sheet at the last several troop meetings – Please check with your scout(s).

Posted by Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:04 AM Categories: Camporee

Family Picnic Signup is Offline 

The online signup for the Court of Honor Family Picnic is now offline. Thanks to those families that completed their RSVP online. Families that were unable to complete their RSVP online by the cutoff date will be contacted by scouts to confirm their attendance.

Posted by Monday, September 17, 2012 11:59 PM Categories: Family Events

Seans Eagle Scout Project 

Sean will be starting his Eagle Project, an Alzheimer's Garden at Briteside Adult Day Center, on Saturday, September 22nd.  Sean is planning to remove sod from an area approximately 30x16 ft.  He will need one more rototiller, and adult volunteers to operate two tillers.  He will also need people to bring shovels, wheel-barrels, gloves, and lots of manpower.  Sean would greatly appreciate if you could help him on his project.

Everyone meet at his house, at twelve o' clock, and we will carpool to Briteside.  Briteside is located in Flemington on 16 Sandhill Road.  To get there take Rt. 31 south, turn right onto Sandhill Rd, and the building is on the right.  Sand Hill Rd is before the Hospital, turn right at the traffic light at the Getty Gas Station.  The estimated return time is five o'clock, and pick-up will be at Sean's house, unless you want to come to the project location and pick-up your scout earlier.  If you are coming late to the project, you will have to be dropped off at Briteside.  Also, lunch will not be provided but snacks and drinks will be, so please eat before you come.

If you have a rototiller and can operate it at the site, please call or email Sean. 
If you are a scout and need a ride to Briteside with us, please let him know.

Posted by Monday, September 17, 2012 10:05 PM Categories: Eagle Project

Bobby's Eagle Scout Project 

On Saturday, September 8th  Bobby will need help on his Eagle project at his home from 9 AM to 1 PM. We will be building the flip tables so wear old clothes and bring gloves if you can.

For this part of the project he could really use some ADULT help and also older scouts. Thank you.

Posted by Friday, September 7, 2012 3:05 PM Categories: Eagle Project
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