Posts in Category: Winter Camping

Cooking Camporee Competition is Cancelled 

The Cooking Camporee Competition event has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Posted by Monday, February 24, 2014 6:11 AM Categories: Camporee Winter Camping


Pack Warmly :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014 8:50 PM Categories: Klondike Winter Camping

Ski Trip 

Sorry about these late posts :) Still getting used to Webmaster but ya, there is a ski trip

Saturday, January 18, 2014 8:33 PM Categories: Ski Trips Winter Camping

Crossover Camping Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the Webelos Crossover Camping Trip must have this Permission Form sign by a parent or guardian.

Posted by Tuesday, December 3, 2013 8:18 AM Categories: Permission Slips Winter Camping

Pahaquarra District Winter Klondike Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the Pahaquarra District Winter Klondike on Friday January 27th through Sunday January 29th must have this permission form completed and signed by a parent or guardian. When completing the form parents must be sure to list a emergency contact number where they can be reached throughout the trip duration.

Posted by Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:44 PM Categories: Permission Slips Winter Camping

Troop Meeting Reminders for January 5 

Happy New Year Parents and Scouts!

Weekly troop meetings resume tonight at the Ethel Hoppock Middle School beginning at 7:30PM; just a couple reminders:

  • Class-A Uniforms (hopefully it’s been cold enough to persuade scouts thinking about shorts to think again)
  • Scouts that signed up for the upcoming winter Klondike should have $31.00 tonight to cover registration ($16) and food ($15). This can be paid by check or scout account. Parents that signup is not online so check with your scouts to confirm if they signed up with Mr. Smith during the holiday troop meeting.
  • The annual Family Dinner Court of Honor is Friday February 10 at the Spain Inn. Check the troop website for information and to RSVP Online.
Posted by Thursday, January 5, 2012 11:16 AM Categories: Family Events Klondike Troop Meeting Winter Camping

Vermont Ski Trip 

What a great trip this was!  The skiing was phenomenal, the food was great and plentiful, and the memories we all built will be everlasting. 

No injuries to report for our Scouts this year - thank God!  However, our adventurous ski club host Joe Decker did sustain a few bruises and cuts attempting to do a helicopter over the 30 foot cliffside.  He normally lands this jump just fine, but visibility was a bit poor...  Check out the picture - let's just call the cut a shaving mishap!

Please thank your Scouts for their contributions and positive attitudes. 5:00 AM starts at the lodge in order to be on the slopes by 8:30 AM - without any adult coaxing!  A special thanks to our adult leaders, our Troop's certified ski instructor, and our "Lodge Mom".  Must say that we all might have gotten a bit spoiled on this trip by Liz and Lisa Also, many thanks to Mrs. Whittle for shopping and pre-cooking all that bacon and chicken - delicious!

So, who is in for next year?

Posted by Friday, December 30, 2011 5:16 PM Categories: Ski Trips Winter Camping

New Troop Photos Published 

Photos from the December Vermont Ski Trip have been published to the Gallery -> Ski Trips -> 2011 Album. 

Posted by Friday, December 30, 2011 12:06 PM Categories: Ski Trips Web Site Winter Camping

Winter Klondike Signup is Offline 

The online signup for the Winter Klondike Derby has been taken down. Mr. Smith took a headcount of scouts that were interested in attending the Winter Klondike during the Holiday Troop Meeting. That list is now the master signup list. All scouts and adults that signed up online have been transferred. If you signed up online there is no need to signup again with Mr. Smith.

Posted by Thursday, December 22, 2011 9:02 PM Categories: Web Site Winter Camping

Vermont Ski Trip - A Few Checklist Items 

With the ski trip fast approaching, a few things to communicate:

  • Permission slips due back by Dec 22nd meeting.
  • Departure date Dec 26th, 1PM from Municipal Building.
  • Skiing at Okemo full day on day one, followed by Pico 1.5 days.
  • Meals provided are:  Breakfast Tue / Wed / Thur, Dinner Tue / Wed.
  • Scouts are responsible for the following meals:  Dinner Monday on drive up, Lunch Tue / Wed / Thu, Dinner Thu drive back to BT.
  • As we did last year, we'll make Subway (or the like) runs in the evenings for next day's lunches (for those interested).
  • Adult leaders will guide, i.e. this is a Scout led trip.  There is a duty roster and all Scouts are expected to chip in to make things happen.  Food / clean up / rounding up the gang to get to the mountain / cooking / etc.
  • Medications - need to be clearly spelled out on permission slips.  Bring only enough for the three day trip.  Don't leave your meds at home.  Make sure your meds have their original label on them.
  • For the meds, we need to follow a protocol similar to Summer Camp.  Check your meds with Mrs. Zalewski who will coordinate this.
  • Please bring appropriate amount of spending money for meals and any incidentals.
  • In addition to your personal items and clothing, bring a sleeping bag and basic toiletries.
  • Helmets are required for all Scout - not optional.
  • Please arrange for your ski and equipment rentals here in NJ, not at the mountain in VT
  • Any snacks / drinks you wish to share with others are also greatly appreciated.
  • Troop uniforms for drive up and down not required.  Any Class B that is appropriate for the lodge is encouraged.

Lastly, bring weather appropriate clothing for skiing.  Last year, the temp on day 1 as we got going was 0 degrees!

Posted by Saturday, December 17, 2011 10:04 AM Categories: Permission Slips Ski Trips Winter Camping
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