Posts in Category: Fundraisers

Poinsetta Sale! 

Posted by Michael Garvey Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:09 PM Categories: Fundraisers Important One-pager Planning Reminders


Please, Please, Please Sign up if you are free Saturday!!!



Fertilizer Deliveries Begin Saturday, April 3rd at between 8:30 and 9:00. We NEED more volunteers! Remember that the time you spend here puts money into your scout account! PLEASE SIGN UP

Thursday, April 3, 2014 8:35 PM Categories: Day Trips Fundraisers Service Hours

Christie's Troop Fundraiser 

Remember, this stuff helps pay for your camps.

Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:54 PM Categories: Day Trips Fundraisers Planning

Annual Fertilizer Sale Signup Available 

Weekends in March Troop 191 has its annual fertilizer fundraiser. Each year the troop provides area residents with competitively priced fertilizer products sold by the scouts door to door in caravans on weekends in March. The funds raised are used to cover troop expenses but a portion of all proceeds go into the scouts troop account. This account can be used by scouts to offset camping trips, camping supplies and summer camp.

Please take a minute to have your son sign up for as many shifts as possible; submit a separate signup for each shift.

Adults are encouraged to help. We need several adults per shift to help with driving and provide supervision for the boys. All adult time is counted towards their sons account or as leaders/committee, into their own account.

Posted by Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:49 PM Categories: Donations Fundraisers Web Site

Holiday Poinsettia Sale 



Boy Scout Troop 191 is offering a special opportunity to buy beautiful poinsettia plants for the holiday season. What a convenient way to warm someone’s heart and home for the holiday season.

Save yourself the hassle of crowded mall and buy the perfect gift today. Don’t forget teachers, neighbors, family and friends.

Our selection will include:

5’’ POTS   6-8’

6’’ POTS   14-18’’ 

8’’ POTS   26-28’’

10’’ POTS   30- 36’’


Just a friendly reminder that this is a pre-order fundraiser. There will not be any plants available the day of pick up. Download the order form. Order forms are due back no later than Monday November 25th, 2013 to Adria Schaefer directly or through the Conley School Office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Adria. As always thank you for supporting Troop 191.

Posted by Thursday, November 21, 2013 10:04 AM Categories: Fundraisers

Troop 191 Popcorn Sale 

Volunteers will sell popcorn at the A&P in Hampton, NJ. For every shift worked, the scout is entered into a Walmart gift card drawing and receives a portion of the proceeds in their scout account.

When: September 20th, 21st, and 22nd

Where: A&P 459 Route 31 Hampton

More information and the signup can be found HERE

Posted by Luke Bernick Sunday, September 15, 2013 10:09 AM Categories: Fundraisers

Troop 191 Popcorn Sale 

Volunteers will sell popcorn at the A&P in Hampton, NJ. For every shift worked, the scout is entered into a Walmart gift card drawing and receives a portion of the proceeds in their scout account.

When: September 6, 7, and, 8

Where: A&P 459 Route 31 Hampton

More information and the signup can be found HERE

Posted by Luke Bernick Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:29 AM Categories: Fundraisers

2013 Fertilizer Sales Drive 

Weekends in March are when Troop 191 holds its annual fertilizer fundraiser. Each year the troop provides area residents with competitively priced fertilizer products. The scouts sell door to door in caravans on Saturdays and Sundays in March.

The funds raised are used to pay troop expenses, but a portion of all proceeds go into the scouts individual troop account. This account can be used by scouts to help pay for camping trips, camping supplies and summer camp.  Half of total proceeds will be divided and applied towards the participating scout's troop account in proportion to the amount of hours they put in. To get credit for the sales, your scout must participate with the troop in the weekend sales drives. Individual sales will count towards the troop totals, but only the group event hours will count towards the money put into your scout's account.  Hours put in by adult volunteers will also count towards their son's account, or for leader/committee member, into their own account.

We are using the Troop 191 website for sign-ups.

Signup Here and Download the Flyer Here

Please visit the website and sign up for as many time slots as you can.

We generally need several adults per session to help with driving and provide supervision for the boys.

We meet in the Hoppock School parking lot at the start time.  It is important to be on time.

NOTE: Always in full uniform

Clipboards and pens would be helpful.

Any available scout and parent is encouraged to join us in this important fundraiser. The boys have a good time, learn some communication skills and meet their neighbors, all while helping out the troop and themselves. Please listen for troop announcements at weekly meetings for any changes.

Posted by Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:05 PM Categories: Fundraisers Web Site

Township Road Cleanup 

The annual township road cleanup fundraiser will be held on Saturday December 1, 2012. Scouts and adults should plan to meet at the scout building (Bethlehem Township Municipal Garage) at 9:00 AM. Adult volunteers are needed. 100% of proceeds from this fundraiser are deposited to scout accounts. Look for the signup at the troop meeting as online signups are no longer done.

Posted by Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:51 PM Categories: Fundraisers

Annual Popcorn Sale 

Once again it's time for our annual popcorn sale!

You should have received the brochure in the mail and you can begin selling.

Our sale will be held on September 7th, 8th & 9th as well as September 14th, 15th & 16th at the A&P in Hampton, New Jersey.  We need to have 100% participation, so sign up early before the convenient times fill up.  Scouts will receive credit towards their scout account as well as be eligible to receive valuable prizes at our annual party.  The more time you and/or your scout "volunteers", the more credit and chances he will have.

See your email to sign up. Sign up sheets will also be available at weekly troop meetings and other events.

Posted by Wednesday, August 22, 2012 10:36 AM Categories: Fundraisers Troop Meeting
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