Posts in Category: Eagle Project

Update for Jacob Whittle's Eagle Project 

Thanks for everyone who showed up!

This Saturday, 4/26, is the last day of Jacob's Eagle Project. The time is from 9:30am-3pm and it's located between 108-110
Anthony Road, Glen Gardner NJ. Jacob was very happy about the turnout on Friday but he needed more people on
Saturday. On Saturday more adults than scouts showed up so that is a little disappointing. Come on out and support your fellow scout!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 8:49 AM Categories: Day Trips Eagle Project Requirements Service Hours

Jacob Whittle's Eagle Scout Project 

We need people to come!

Hey everyone. Jacob Whittle is starting up his eagle scout project and he needs as much help as he can get! Here is the info:

The project is on Friday 4/18/14 and Saturday 4/19/14. The times
are from 10am- 2pm.

The project is at the 18th century Swackhammer Church
located between 108 and 110 Anthony Road Lebanon, NJ.

"I'm sorry about the short notice but the project is getting an early start and I need as much
help as possible. Thank you for the help!" - Jacob Whittle

Come out and help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more hands, the better and more fun the project!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014 3:11 PM Categories: Eagle Project Requirements Service Hours

David's Eagle Project 

Come One! Come All! Come Get Your Service Hours!

David Schwab's Eagle Scout project:

Grandma's House facility of Life Choices

Date: Saturday April 12th, 2014

Address: 137 Roseberry St

Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

(the building is an old convent on the grounds of the St. Philip school, it is between the parking lot and the street)

Time: 12:00 - 5:00 (or whenever you can come between those times)


If you can, bring work gloves, rakes, loppers, wheelbarrows, and other gardening equipment. This day is cleanup of the garden area and the buildings perimeter. So bring whatever you need to get rid of weeds, stumps, and vines.


Thanks, see you there! 

- David

Thursday, April 3, 2014 6:28 PM Categories: Day Trips Eagle Project Requirements Service Hours

Nathan G's Eagle Project 

Hey Everybody,

                My name is Nathan G and I am the current SPL of troop 191.  I am a life scout and I am working on my eagle project.  I am having a work day on Saturday, August 24 from 8 – 1 pm and I could use all the help I can get.

My project is clearing a trail that will soon be used for a fitness trail that will be open to the public.  I would recommend wearing jeans and boots, and bring gloves also.  Tools that will be needed include a couple shovels, and big scissors or shears.

Adult help will be welcome and appreciated.

Thanks, Nathan 

1250 Rt. 31, Lebanon, NJ 08833

Posted by Luke Bernick Wednesday, August 21, 2013 12:13 PM Categories: Eagle Project Service Hours

Seans Eagle Scout Project Cancelled for 9/22/2012 

Unfortunately we are going to have to cancel Sean’s Eagle Project.  He is sick and has to go to the doctor’s this morning and we don’t want to wait until the last minute.  The project can’t move forward without him.  Please keep an eye out for the reschedule date as we juggle our calendar.

If you see other scout families on the soccer fields or out and about, please let them know we had to cancel.

Posted by Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:15 AM Categories: Eagle Project

Seans Eagle Scout Project 

Sean will be starting his Eagle Project, an Alzheimer's Garden at Briteside Adult Day Center, on Saturday, September 22nd.  Sean is planning to remove sod from an area approximately 30x16 ft.  He will need one more rototiller, and adult volunteers to operate two tillers.  He will also need people to bring shovels, wheel-barrels, gloves, and lots of manpower.  Sean would greatly appreciate if you could help him on his project.

Everyone meet at his house, at twelve o' clock, and we will carpool to Briteside.  Briteside is located in Flemington on 16 Sandhill Road.  To get there take Rt. 31 south, turn right onto Sandhill Rd, and the building is on the right.  Sand Hill Rd is before the Hospital, turn right at the traffic light at the Getty Gas Station.  The estimated return time is five o'clock, and pick-up will be at Sean's house, unless you want to come to the project location and pick-up your scout earlier.  If you are coming late to the project, you will have to be dropped off at Briteside.  Also, lunch will not be provided but snacks and drinks will be, so please eat before you come.

If you have a rototiller and can operate it at the site, please call or email Sean. 
If you are a scout and need a ride to Briteside with us, please let him know.

Posted by Monday, September 17, 2012 10:05 PM Categories: Eagle Project

Bobby's Eagle Scout Project 

On Saturday, September 8th  Bobby will need help on his Eagle project at his home from 9 AM to 1 PM. We will be building the flip tables so wear old clothes and bring gloves if you can.

For this part of the project he could really use some ADULT help and also older scouts. Thank you.

Posted by Friday, September 7, 2012 3:05 PM Categories: Eagle Project

Bobby N. Eagle Project Work Day 

On Saturday August 25th Bobby will need help on his eagle project from 10 AM - 2 or 3 PM at his home. Will be staining wood for flip tables so wear old clothes and bring gloves if you can. Thank You.

Posted by Monday, August 20, 2012 10:42 AM Categories: Eagle Project

Bobby N. Eagle Project 

On Saturday August 18th Bobby will need help on his eagle project from 10 AM - 2 or 3 PM at his home. Will be staining wood for flip tables so wear old clothes and bring gloves if you can. Thank You.

Posted by Thursday, August 16, 2012 9:32 PM Categories: Eagle Project

Cormac's Eagle Project 

Cormac will continue his Eagle project at Heron Run Farm on Sunday May 20 between 12 noon - 3:30 PM. Bring Gloves, Trowel, wear sunscreen, will be near Dogs and Cows.

Simple Directions - Go through Rt. 31, turn right onto E. Asbury Road (at the light near A&P, before Ernie & Doms) continue until you see a white sign that says Heron Run Farm on RIGHT. Any problems contact Cormac.

Posted by Saturday, May 19, 2012 4:48 PM Categories: Eagle Project
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