Posts in Category: Klondike


Pack Warmly :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014 8:50 PM Categories: Klondike Winter Camping

Winter Klondike Permission Form Available 

Scouts going on the PAH Winter Klondike between January 25 - 27 must have this Permission Form signed by a parent or guardian.

Plan to meet at the Bethlehem Township Community Center at 6:00 PM on Friday and parents should plan on a return pickup around noon on Sunday.

Posted by Wednesday, January 23, 2013 3:04 PM Categories: Klondike Permission Slips

Troop Meeting on December 27 

Reminder that there will be a troop meeting on Thursday December 27 to focus on Winter Klondike and West Point skills. The meeting will be held at the Bethlehem Township Community Center beginning at 7:30 PM.

Posted by Thursday, December 27, 2012 8:01 AM Categories: Klondike Planning Spring Camping Troop Meeting

Troop Meeting Reminders for January 5 

Happy New Year Parents and Scouts!

Weekly troop meetings resume tonight at the Ethel Hoppock Middle School beginning at 7:30PM; just a couple reminders:

  • Class-A Uniforms (hopefully it’s been cold enough to persuade scouts thinking about shorts to think again)
  • Scouts that signed up for the upcoming winter Klondike should have $31.00 tonight to cover registration ($16) and food ($15). This can be paid by check or scout account. Parents that signup is not online so check with your scouts to confirm if they signed up with Mr. Smith during the holiday troop meeting.
  • The annual Family Dinner Court of Honor is Friday February 10 at the Spain Inn. Check the troop website for information and to RSVP Online.
Posted by Thursday, January 5, 2012 11:16 AM Categories: Family Events Klondike Troop Meeting Winter Camping

Troop Meeting Reminders for December 1 

Hope you all had a great holiday. Posting this since we had a holiday and no troop meeting last week.

  1. The troop meeting this week will be held at the Bethlehem Township Community Center due to a school conflict.
  2. The monthly PLC meeting is tonight (11/29). All patrols are expected to be represented so patrol leaders should make arrangements for coverage.
  3. There are two online signups (Vermont Ski Trip and Crossover Camping) that will close on December 1.
  4. Another online signup for the Winter Klondike at Yards Creek Scout Reservation in January is available.
  5. Scouts doing Robotics, Mrs. Bernick is planning a trip to Liberty Science Center on Saturday. Please see your email and RSVP if you have not already done so.
  6. For scouts doing Climbing Merit Badge that were unable to attend the troop outdoor climbing event can contact Mr. Rusnock to attend one of his future scheduled events to complete those requirements.
  7. For scouts planning their Eagle Scout Rank Advancement there are new procedures and workbook. These are available online in the troop website Documents area. See Mr. Smith if you have questions or need more information.
Posted by Tuesday, November 29, 2011 2:28 PM Categories: Eagle Project Klondike Planning PLC Troop Meeting Winter Camping

Winter Klondike Signup Available 

An online signup is available for the Winter Klondike at Yards Creek Scout Reservation in January 2012.

Posted by Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:56 AM Categories: Klondike Winter Camping

Klondike this weekend! 

Yes we are having a Klondike and there's going to be snow! (lots and lots of snow!). The road has been plowed and the caretaker (Bill) will be onsite Friday to apply sand and salt to the road.

We'll do the best we can with parking and trailers, please be understanding as there is a lot of snow at RVYC.

Looking forward to a great Klondike -

Posted by Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:11 AM Categories: Klondike Winter Camping

Klondike - Drivers Needed 

Based on the number of scouts signed up for the Klondike, we will need to have a couple of parents willing to help drive the scouts to the event on Friday nights and to also meet up with them on Sunday morning and drive them back to the municipal building.  Don’t have exact counts or exact times yet, but based on weather predictions and being a tRound Valley on another snowy, icy weekend in the past, I suggest parents with 4-wheel drive volunteer.  In addition, we usually need a truck to put the sleds in.

If you are able to help with transportation, please let Liz know whether Friday or Sunday is better for you and by Thursday I will determine who needs to drive when.

Posted by Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:07 AM Categories: Klondike Winter Camping
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