Posts in Category: Spring Camping

West Point Camporee Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the West Point Camporee at The United States Military Academy at West Point must have this Permission Form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Be sure to include an emergency contact number where a leader can reach you during the camporee.

Posted by Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:46 AM Categories: Camporee Permission Slips Spring Camping

Troop Meeting on December 27 

Reminder that there will be a troop meeting on Thursday December 27 to focus on Winter Klondike and West Point skills. The meeting will be held at the Bethlehem Township Community Center beginning at 7:30 PM.

Posted by Thursday, December 27, 2012 8:01 AM Categories: Klondike Planning Spring Camping Troop Meeting

West Point Camporee Application Accepted 

West Point has accepted our application and invited Troop 191 to attend the 2013 West Point Camporee!

This year the camporee is on April 26 - 28, 2013. Look for more details here and at the weekly troop meeting.

Posted by Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:20 AM Categories: Camporee Spring Camping

Additional Slots for Camping and Canoe Trip Available 

The troop leadership reviewed some logistics in conducting the overnight camping and canoe trip and after identifying another driver to assist transporting watercraft gear they found that four additional participants can safely be added to the trip. Therefor the signup for this trip has been reopened. Once maximum capacity is reached additional signups will be wait-listed.

Posted by Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:19 PM Categories: Family Events Spring Camping

Water Activities, Summer Camp and Shirts 

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter and enjoying the holiday break.

Reminder that there is no troop meeting on Thursday April 12 however swim tests are on Wednesday April 11 for any scouts that have not previously taken the BSA swim test either with our troop or at summer camp. Swim tests are required for any water activity and we have two coming up before summer camp this year. These are the White Water Rafting Trip on April 29th and the Overnight Canoe and Camping Trip on the Delaware River taking place on the weekend of May 18th. Signups for the Swim Tests and these two water activities are available online.

A sign up for Summer Camp 2012 in July is also available online; this reminder is especially for those recent crossover scouts where signups so far have been light. If your scout is planning to attend camp this year please visit the troop website to signup online as soon as possible.

For those scouts that attended the family dinner in February and received a troop shirt that did not fit we’ll be collecting those shirts and arranging for replacements. Please bring the shirts to the troop meeting on April 19th where they will be collected and order the correct size that you need. The troop will order any additional necessary shirts and distribute at a future troop meeting. And speaking of shirts for those scouts attending summer camp we’ll again be providing two t-shirts free of charge for camp and parents will have the option of ordering additional shirts if they desire. Ordering information for everyone will be available on the troop website in the near future.

Thanks everyone and enjoy the rest of your holiday break.

Posted by Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:47 AM Categories: Canoe Trips Family Events Spring Camping Summer Camp Swim Tests Troop Meeting

Overnight Camping and Canoeing Trip Signup Available 

Overnight Camping at Valley View in the Delaware Water Gap National Park and Canoeing on the Delaware River on Friday May 18th and Saturday May 19th. Scouts interested in attending this trip should Signup online and check the website News Page for updated information.

This trip is available to all scouts however priority will be given to scouts that need to complete prerequisite work for the Camping Merit Badge.

Scouts should plan to meet at the Bethlehem Township Community Center on Friday May 18th at 5:30 PM and expect to return on Saturday May 19th between 5:00 and 6:00 PM. Note that weather and/or river conditions may cause this trip to be rescheduled for Saturday May 19th through Sunday May 20th. Notice will be provided on the News Page and via email.

Scouts must have completed a swim test and should plan to attend upcoming training trips to prepare for this event. Announcements for this training will be made online and at the weekly troop meeting.

Posted by Thursday, April 5, 2012 10:03 PM Categories: Canoe Trips Merit Badge Requirements Spring Camping
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