Posts in Category: Merit Badge

Merit Badge Fair 

Always wanted to go to one!

Sunday, September 14, 2014 11:11 AM Categories: Day Trips Merit Badge One-pager

Chess Tournament This Thursday 

To get the Chess Merit Badge

Hey everyone,

If you plan on going to the meeting this Thursday, the troop asks that you bring a chess set with you. We will be having a chess tournament in order to get the chess merit badge for all who wants it. Thank you.

Posted by Michael Garvey Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:11 PM Categories: Merit Badge Reminders Troop Meeting

Summer Camp Reminder 

Summer Camp Coming Up!!

Scouts, I just wanted to remind you that Summer Camp is coming VERY SOON. Remember that some of your badges may require pre-requisites. Here is the link to find the pre-reqs.

Click the Merit Badge you are taking, and if there are Pre-Reqs, or additional costs, it will be listed there.


Posted by Michael Garvey Thursday, July 3, 2014 5:06 PM Categories: Important Merit Badge Reminders Requirements Summer Camping

Woodworking Merit Badge on November 14 

We have an instructor coming to the Thursday November 14 meeting to conduct the first of several woodworking MB class in the wood shop at Hoppock. We have room for 10 scouts in each of these classes. There is sign up on the website if you wish to reserve a spot and the cost for materials is $7.00 please bring your money to the meeting to pay the instructor.

Posted by Tuesday, November 12, 2013 7:27 AM Categories: Merit Badge Troop Meeting

STEM Merit Badge Fair 

The CNJC is hosting a STEM Merit Badge Fair at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab on Saturday October 26th.

For more information:
General Requirements
Merit Badges

Register on CNJ's website.
STEM MB Fair Registration
Space is limited, so register now!

Posted by Amy B. Sunday, September 15, 2013 8:06 AM Categories: Merit Badge STEM

Middle School Technology Design Challenge 

April 20 2013 Bridgewater-Raritan Middle School

Attend on the Troop 191 team or as a spectator!

MSTDC Challenges Document

Posted by Amy B. Saturday, February 2, 2013 5:51 PM Categories: Day Trips Family Events Merit Badge

Family Life Merit Badge begins on June 14 

Mr. Charles Tiedeman will begin the Family Life Merit Badge during the troop meeting on Thursday June 14. Scouts should come prepared with a merit badge workbook and are encouraged to obtain the Family Life Merit Badge Book.

Posted by Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:54 PM Categories: Merit Badge Troop Meeting

Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge begins on June 14 

Mr. Charles Tiedeman will begin the Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge during the troop meeting on Thursday June 14. Scouts should come prepared with a merit badge workbook and are encouraged to obtain the Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Book.

Scouts that are taking this merit badge at summer camp may also request assistance needed to complete prerequisites from Mr. Tiedeman.

Posted by Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:45 PM Categories: Merit Badge Troop Meeting

Summer Camp Schedule Planning 

The Ockanickon website has all of the links for the merit badges up and working. You can find out when and where the MB meets, the pre-reqs that are being required, and any additional money or objects that you need to bring to complete the badge.


Eagle Badges: for the badges that are considered open (the 3 Citizenship ones, Communications and Personal Management), there are additional pre-reqs than in previous years.  Read over the page carefully to make sure you have all of the requirements done.  Also, for these badges you can complete any of the other requirements not listed as pre-reqs before summer camp and it will be less for you to do while at camp.  Theoretically, you can have your entire workbook filled out, make an appointment with the counselor right away and review your work with him for sign off.

Handicraft Badges: for the open badges most of them start every 30 minutes, but they don’t say how long they will take to complete.  Plan an hour in your schedule and if you finish early or in just a couple of day, then take another Handicraft badge.

Get your schedules decided on and get them to Mrs. Zalewski, or call on the phone or give them to me at a meeting, however she will not be at too many meetings in the next few months, so email is the best way to get her your schedule.  If you have questions about taking certain badges, ask Mrs. Zalewski.

Posted by Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:23 PM Categories: Merit Badge Requirements Summer Camp

Scouts planning to take the Rifle Merit Badge at Summer Camp 

Ockanickon has updated their information regarding the Rifle Merit Badge and the lectures that a scout needs to take.  For those that have given me their schedules already, you may need to make some adjustments.  For those that still need to provide me your schedule, please take the following into account if you plan on taking this MB (this information can be found on the Ockanickon website also under the link for the Rifle Range and Rifle Merit Badge):

Monday thru Friday

Lecture 1: 10:40 am – 11:45 am

Lecture 2: 2:00 pm – 3:25 pm

Lecture 3: 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm

*Scouts only need to attend one of the three lectures each day

Rifle Shooting Times:

9:15 am – 11:00 am

3:00 pm – 4:45 pm

*Scouts choose a set shooting time that does not overlap with their lecture time.

Where: Rifle Range

Posted by Thursday, April 19, 2012 12:54 PM Categories: Merit Badge Planning Summer Camp
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