Posts in Category: Requirements

Summer Camp Reminder 

Summer Camp Coming Up!!

Scouts, I just wanted to remind you that Summer Camp is coming VERY SOON. Remember that some of your badges may require pre-requisites. Here is the link to find the pre-reqs.

Click the Merit Badge you are taking, and if there are Pre-Reqs, or additional costs, it will be listed there.


Posted by Michael Garvey Thursday, July 3, 2014 5:06 PM Categories: Important Merit Badge Reminders Requirements Summer Camping



Dear Scouts and Adults,

The monthly planning meeting has been moved. It will now be on Wednesday, May 28th. Please come attend! It is a great thing to be at!!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014 6:23 PM Categories: Important Planning PLC Requirements Suggestions

Mandatory Parent Meeting 

Attention: Parents Must Attend


Troop 191 – Bethlehem Township

Mandatory Parent Meeting

Thursday, May 29th , 2014

Ethel Hoppock Middle School, Room #1

               life_emblem.gif           life_emblem.gif

 L:\CANNON PHOTOS\2013 phtos\2013_07_14\IMG_9343.JPG


  • Come and meet our Committee Members and our Leadership Team.

  • Learn more about their roles and responsibilities.

  • Understand the new direction of the Troop and how it benefits your son’s (and you too).

  • Hear about our transition plan for our new Scoutmaster.

  • Important information discussed about Summer Camp.

  • Learn about lots of opportunities on how you can give back to the Troop.

  • Much More!


Please put on your calendar … Refreshments and snacks served.

Any questions, please contact

Frank Coppola, Committee Chairperson or

Linda Garvey, Troop 191 Secretary


Posted by Michael Garvey Friday, May 16, 2014 5:39 PM Categories: Committee Important Parent Meeting Requirements

Update for Jacob Whittle's Eagle Project 

Thanks for everyone who showed up!

This Saturday, 4/26, is the last day of Jacob's Eagle Project. The time is from 9:30am-3pm and it's located between 108-110
Anthony Road, Glen Gardner NJ. Jacob was very happy about the turnout on Friday but he needed more people on
Saturday. On Saturday more adults than scouts showed up so that is a little disappointing. Come on out and support your fellow scout!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 8:49 AM Categories: Day Trips Eagle Project Requirements Service Hours

Jacob Whittle's Eagle Scout Project 

We need people to come!

Hey everyone. Jacob Whittle is starting up his eagle scout project and he needs as much help as he can get! Here is the info:

The project is on Friday 4/18/14 and Saturday 4/19/14. The times
are from 10am- 2pm.

The project is at the 18th century Swackhammer Church
located between 108 and 110 Anthony Road Lebanon, NJ.

"I'm sorry about the short notice but the project is getting an early start and I need as much
help as possible. Thank you for the help!" - Jacob Whittle

Come out and help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more hands, the better and more fun the project!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014 3:11 PM Categories: Eagle Project Requirements Service Hours

David's Eagle Project 

Come One! Come All! Come Get Your Service Hours!

David Schwab's Eagle Scout project:

Grandma's House facility of Life Choices

Date: Saturday April 12th, 2014

Address: 137 Roseberry St

Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

(the building is an old convent on the grounds of the St. Philip school, it is between the parking lot and the street)

Time: 12:00 - 5:00 (or whenever you can come between those times)


If you can, bring work gloves, rakes, loppers, wheelbarrows, and other gardening equipment. This day is cleanup of the garden area and the buildings perimeter. So bring whatever you need to get rid of weeds, stumps, and vines.


Thanks, see you there! 

- David

Thursday, April 3, 2014 6:28 PM Categories: Day Trips Eagle Project Requirements Service Hours

5 Mile Hike Coming Up! 

It is a Requirement to rank up, and we don't do these very often! Sign up!

Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:28 PM Categories: Day Trips Requirements

Second Class Requirement 9A on November 14 

We have a police officer coming to give a talk on the dangers of drugs and alcohol (second class 9A) at the troop meeting on November 14. 

Posted by Tuesday, November 12, 2013 7:30 AM Categories: Requirements Troop Meeting

Crossover Camping now Crossover Hike 

Due to storm related damage and trees down at the scout reservation (OSR) the crossover camping trip has been changed to a crossover hike to meet the Cub Scout requirements for Arrow of Light. The hike will be on Saturday December 8.

Posted by Saturday, November 24, 2012 9:43 AM Categories: Day Trips Requirements

How to Fold the Flag 

How to Fold the Flag from Boys Life Magazine

Happy Flag Day!

Posted by Thursday, June 14, 2012 8:04 AM Categories: Requirements
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