Summer Troop Meetings 

Beginning on June 6, 2013 the weekly troop meetings will be held at the Bethlehem Township Community Center.

Posted by Friday, May 10, 2013 11:05 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Online Signups 

Online signups have returned beginning with a Rock Climbing Event. The leadership has over the last several months developed the procedures to address the needs of all involved. There are several events available, please take some time to review them with your child to see if he is interested. 

  • ROCK CLIMBING (Merit Badge available)
Posted by Monday, May 6, 2013 12:40 PM Categories: Web Site

West Point Camporee Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the West Point Camporee at The United States Military Academy at West Point must have this Permission Form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Be sure to include an emergency contact number where a leader can reach you during the camporee.

Posted by Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:46 AM Categories: Camporee Permission Slips Spring Camping

Eagle Ceremony 

Jerome (Jerry) Whittle's Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Troop 191 congratulates Jerry Whittle on his achievement of reaching the rank of Eagle Scout. We ask you to help us celebrate by coming to Jerry's Eagle Court of Honor at eleven o'clock on April 13th, at the Bethlehem Township Municipal Building.

Saturday, April 13, 2013 11:56 AM Categories: Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Hawk Mountain Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the Hawk Mountain Camping Trip must have this Permission Form signed by a parent or guardian and $20.00 to cover the cost of food for the weekend.

Posted by Wednesday, March 20, 2013 9:42 AM Categories: Permission Slips

2013 Fertilizer Sales Drive 

Weekends in March are when Troop 191 holds its annual fertilizer fundraiser. Each year the troop provides area residents with competitively priced fertilizer products. The scouts sell door to door in caravans on Saturdays and Sundays in March.

The funds raised are used to pay troop expenses, but a portion of all proceeds go into the scouts individual troop account. This account can be used by scouts to help pay for camping trips, camping supplies and summer camp.  Half of total proceeds will be divided and applied towards the participating scout's troop account in proportion to the amount of hours they put in. To get credit for the sales, your scout must participate with the troop in the weekend sales drives. Individual sales will count towards the troop totals, but only the group event hours will count towards the money put into your scout's account.  Hours put in by adult volunteers will also count towards their son's account, or for leader/committee member, into their own account.

We are using the Troop 191 website for sign-ups.

Signup Here and Download the Flyer Here

Please visit the website and sign up for as many time slots as you can.

We generally need several adults per session to help with driving and provide supervision for the boys.

We meet in the Hoppock School parking lot at the start time.  It is important to be on time.

NOTE: Always in full uniform

Clipboards and pens would be helpful.

Any available scout and parent is encouraged to join us in this important fundraiser. The boys have a good time, learn some communication skills and meet their neighbors, all while helping out the troop and themselves. Please listen for troop announcements at weekly meetings for any changes.

Posted by Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:05 PM Categories: Fundraisers Web Site

Family Dinner Online Signup 

The Troops Court of Honor Dinner is this Friday, February 22 at 6:45 PM at North Hunterdon High School.  PLEASE remember to register on-line about attending the event (Yes or No) and if attending, what your food contribution will bring for the evening.  Sign-ups will be going off line on Sunday evening, so please take time to register, it is important for planning purposes.

Posted by Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:09 AM Categories: Family Events Planning Web Site

Appalachian Trail Backpacking Trip Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the Appalachian Trail Backpacking Trip on Saturday February 16, 2013 will need this permission form signed by a parent or guardian.

Posted by Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:53 AM Categories: Backpacking Permission Slips

Summer Camp 2013 

Summer Camp 2013 will be held between Sunday July 14th - Saturday July 20th, 2013 at Ockanickon Scout Reservation. The cost of camp is $349.00 if paid by February 23rd. This year the troop is able to contribute $100.00 towards the payment of camp fees reducing the cost to $249.00 for each scout in Troop 191. The troop is able to provide this contribution due to the success of recent fundraising efforts and the genorosity of corporate donations.

Each scout must complete this form to indicate if he will be attending camp with the troop this year and how they wish to pay the remaining camp fee balance. Camp fees can be paid by scout account or check made payable to Troop 191.

The troop also provides shirts for each patrol attending camp. The above form allows parents to specifcy the shirt size desired for their son.

The form and payement if applicable will be collected at the weekly troop meeting.

Posted by Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:37 PM Categories: Summer Camp Summer Camping Troop Meeting

Ethel Hoppock Middle School Play 

Due to a conflict with the Ethel Hoppock School Play troop meetings held between February 14 - March 28, 2013 will be at the Bethlehem Township Community Center beginning at 7:30 PM.

Posted by Monday, February 4, 2013 5:51 PM Categories: Planning Troop Meeting
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