Annual Fertilizer Sale 

The Boy Scouts of Troop 191 in Bethlehem Township are raising money to help pay for camping fees, troop supplies, and youth leadership training.  Troop 191 has been active since 1977 and is sponsored by St. Ann R.C. Church of Hampton, NJ. In that time they have advanced 34 scouts to the rank of Eagle.  The troop meets Thursday evenings from 7:30 – 9:00 PM at the Ethel Hoppock Middle School in Bethlehem Township.  All boys ages 11 to 18 are welcome.

To support the troop through this fundraiser please consider purchasing from scouts when they visit your area during weekends in March or download this flyer to place an order.

Posted by Monday, February 27, 2012 5:04 PM Categories: Fundraisers

Annual Fertilizer Sale Signup Available 

Weekends in March is when Troop 191 has its annual fertilizer fundraiser. Each year the troop provides area residents with competitively priced fertilizer products which are sold by the scouts door to door in caravans on Saturdays and Sundays in March. The funds raised are used to help troop expenses but a portion of all proceeds go into the scouts troop account. This account can be used by scouts to offset camping trips, camping supplies and summer camp.

Please take a minute to have your son sign up for as many shifts he is available for; submit a separate signup for each shift. Adults are also encouraged to help out and sign up. We generally need several adults per to help with driving and provide supervision for the boys. All adult time is also counted towards their sons account or as leaders/committee, into their own account.

Posted by Monday, February 27, 2012 3:41 PM Categories: Fundraisers

Robinson Observatory Trip Signup Available 

The troop will host a trip to The Paul H. Robinson Observatory in Voorhees State Park on Friday March 23rd.

Scouts interested in this event can signup online. Adults will also be needed for this trip.

Posted by Saturday, February 25, 2012 2:41 PM Categories: Day Trips Family Events Merit Badge

Middle School Technology Design Challenge Signup Available 

Mrs. Amy Bernick has offered to work with scouts interested in competing in the Middle School Technology Design Challenge on April 21, 2012. The event will be held at Bridgewater Raritan Middle School.

The main goal is to encourage the students to strategize the best way to creatively solve a problem. In this case, the problem is to score as many points when attempting these challenges. Some parts of these tasks are quite difficult, so compromises may need to happen. Like any challenge, the students should develop a plan (or plans) with timeline or steps. Part of the plan could be to create a team and divide up the work.

Mrs. Bernick is looking for a few more scouts to compete at this event and offers an excellent opportunity for those working on the Robotics Merit Badge or those scouts interested in beginning the Robotics Merit Badge.

See this document for more information about the Challenge.

Scouts that wish to participate can Signup Online. Adults will also be needed for transportation and required two-deep leadership.

Posted by Friday, February 3, 2012 2:30 PM Categories: Day Trips Family Events Merit Badge

Summer Camp 2012 Signup Available 

Troop 191 Summer Camp 2012 will be held at Ockanickon Scout Reservation between Sunday July 15th and Saturday July 21st, 2012. Cost for camp this year is $232.00 per Scout if paid by February 10th. The cost will rise to $250.00 after this date through April 24th.

Parents if your son will be attending camp this year please signup online AND print and complete this form and submit to Mr. Smith with payment. The cost of summer camp can be paid by scout account or check made payable to Troop 191.

Posted by Thursday, February 2, 2012 4:54 PM Categories: Requirements Summer Camp Training

White Water Rafting Trip Online Signup is Available 

The troop is planning the annual White Water Rafting trip in Jim Thorpe Pennsylvania on Sunday April 29th. Cost is expected to be $55.00 per person.

We need to determine the level of interest from the scouts and adults in attending this trip. Those attending should plan to depart from the Bethlehem Township Community Center at 6:00 AM with a return at approximately 5:00 PM.

If you are interested in attending this trip on Sunday April 29th signup using the online form and check the News area of the website for updated information.

Also note that scouts must be swimmers to attend this event so Swim Tests will be required for any scouts that have not completed a swim test at Summer Camp.

Posted by Wednesday, February 1, 2012 2:24 PM Categories: Day Trips Family Events

Troop Meeting on January 26 at Bethlehem Township Community Center 

The location for the January 26th troop meeting has been changed to the Bethlehem Township Community Center at 7:30 PM. We were just notified by the school that is will be unavailable tonight due to the half-day school session on Thursday.

Posted by Thursday, January 26, 2012 4:04 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Pahaquarra District Winter Klondike Permission Form Available 

Scouts attending the Pahaquarra District Winter Klondike on Friday January 27th through Sunday January 29th must have this permission form completed and signed by a parent or guardian. When completing the form parents must be sure to list a emergency contact number where they can be reached throughout the trip duration.

Posted by Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:44 PM Categories: Permission Slips Winter Camping

Pack 191 Annual Pine Wood Derby 

Our Cub Scout Pack in Bethlehem Township will have their annual Pine Wood Derby at the Ethel Hoppock Middle School on Saturday February 11th from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. Volunteers are needed for this event, if interested signup online here. Snow date is February 28th. Class-A Uniform is required.

Posted by Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:35 PM Categories: Family Events

Troop Meeting Reminders for January 5 

Happy New Year Parents and Scouts!

Weekly troop meetings resume tonight at the Ethel Hoppock Middle School beginning at 7:30PM; just a couple reminders:

  • Class-A Uniforms (hopefully it’s been cold enough to persuade scouts thinking about shorts to think again)
  • Scouts that signed up for the upcoming winter Klondike should have $31.00 tonight to cover registration ($16) and food ($15). This can be paid by check or scout account. Parents that signup is not online so check with your scouts to confirm if they signed up with Mr. Smith during the holiday troop meeting.
  • The annual Family Dinner Court of Honor is Friday February 10 at the Spain Inn. Check the troop website for information and to RSVP Online.
Posted by Thursday, January 5, 2012 11:16 AM Categories: Family Events Klondike Troop Meeting Winter Camping
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