Troop Website Forums 

Improved Slightly

Hello everyone,

As you may know, the troop is always looking for your ideas. We have made a forums for plainly Suggestions. If you would please spend a little time in the Forums, suggest maybe an idea to improve something, or maybe a camping trip that you did not bring up at the yearly planning meeting that you think needs to be brought up. Maybe you have a fundraiser idea that you would like someone to bring to the committee. Someone will be monitoring the forums, so we will see what you post. Please take the time to make our troop a more productive, fun place. (Although we already are really fun   ;D) There is always room for improvement!!!!

Posted by Michael Garvey Sunday, March 9, 2014 10:29 PM Categories: Planning Suggestions

Annual Fertilizer Sale Signup Available 

Weekends in March Troop 191 has its annual fertilizer fundraiser. Each year the troop provides area residents with competitively priced fertilizer products sold by the scouts door to door in caravans on weekends in March. The funds raised are used to cover troop expenses but a portion of all proceeds go into the scouts troop account. This account can be used by scouts to offset camping trips, camping supplies and summer camp.

Please take a minute to have your son sign up for as many shifts as possible; submit a separate signup for each shift.

Adults are encouraged to help. We need several adults per shift to help with driving and provide supervision for the boys. All adult time is counted towards their sons account or as leaders/committee, into their own account.

Posted by Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:49 PM Categories: Donations Fundraisers Web Site

Trout Fishing Class Online Signup Available 

Hands on instruction in trout fishing using assorted baits and lures. Scouts need to bring a light or ultra light rod with 4 to 6lb line, as well as appropriate clothing, hat, and sunscreen. Nice to have gear would include polarized sunglasses, hook removal tool, net, and waders if you have them.

Posted by Automation Agent Sunday, March 2, 2014 2:00 AM Categories: Day Trips Family Events Web Site

WWII Weekend Air Show Day Trip Online Signup Available 

WWII Weekend at Mid Atlantic Air Museum at Reading PA Airport. WWII aircraft, vehicles, and recreator encampments, complete with mock battles and airshow, plus a military flea market. Scouts should bring hats, sunscreen, folding chairs, and cameras. Security is tight, and no coolers, containers, or food will be allowed, so bring at least $10 for the food and drink vendors (and flea market shopping). Rain date is 6/8/2014.

Posted by Automation Agent Sunday, March 2, 2014 2:00 AM Categories: Day Trips Family Events Web Site

Cooking Camporee Competition is Cancelled 

The Cooking Camporee Competition event has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Posted by Monday, February 24, 2014 6:11 AM Categories: Camporee Winter Camping

Cooking Camporee Competition Online Signup Available 

We will be camping in Clinton with a friendly competition to cook the best one pot meal. We will also be looking to provide the boys with an opportunity to sharpen those outdoor skills.

Posted by Automation Agent Sunday, February 16, 2014 2:00 AM Categories: Web Site

Delaware Canal Bike Ride and Campout Online Signup Available 

Sat/Sun Biking with overnight campout - approximately 15 miles bike ride along the Delaware River Canal Path. The canal path is a cinder/road gravel path for Hybrid or Mountain bike. Generally level terrain except for a few moderate hills in Washington Crossing Park. One pot dinner cooking on Saturday night. Bring your own Saturday Lunch.

Posted by Automation Agent Saturday, February 15, 2014 2:00 AM Categories: Web Site

Troop Meeting 2/13/1014 


This Thursday's Meeting, 2/13/2014, is cancelled due to weather. Enjoy the snow :D

Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:49 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Troop Meeting Location 

They have been changed


Starting Thursday, January 30th through Thursday February 20th, the meetings will be held at the Bethlehem Township Municipal Building. Meetings will resume at Ethel Hoppock Middle School on Thursday, February 27th.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7:30 PM Categories: Troop Meeting

Summer Camp Payments are Due! 

For the cheapest price register before February 7, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:21 PM Categories: Summer Camp
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