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Troop 191

Troop 191

Welcome to the Troop 191 Website!

Troop 191 is an established unit of the Boy Scouts of America, Washington Crossing Council, Hunterdon Arrowhead District.

Like other boy scout troops we are run by scouts for the benefit of our scouts and our community.

We are located in Bethlehem Township, Northwest Hunterdon County New Jersey.

If you're looking for a Boy Scout Troop in our area just click this link to send our troop leadership a message.

Are you a younger scout in our area? Visit Cub Scout Pack 191 in Bethlehem Township.
To find other Pack, Troop or Venture Crews or to join scouting check out BeAScout.org.

Payments for Trips, Events, Fundraisers, and Donations

Payments to Troop 191 should be made using a PayPal account.






Thanks for your interest in Troop 191

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